Learning Data Science

Shifting from Math Teaching to Data Science

Entering the World of Tableau

Tableau Branding

The Evolution of Credit Approval

credit score chart

Analyzing a Single Hashtag

Wordcloud made from the words in tweets with the #BLM

What's Trending and How It Impacts Data Collection

Setting out on my journey with Sentiment Analysis, I decided to take an indepth look at twitter data. Specifically, I wanted to look at tweets with the hashtag BLM standing for Black Lives Matter. Knowing that people on all sides of opinions utilize this hashtag, I want to see if I can look at what words are commonly used and the sentiment that can be detected.

The Helpful Library of Surprise

When attempted to build a recommendation system, there are a lot of things to consider. When I took on the project to build a system for the famous MovieLens I first began with sparse matrices and pivot tables. I knew to create a recommendation system, I would need to utilize one of these algorithms to be able to make a system to predict which movies the user would enjoy watching.

  • SVD
  • k-NN Baseline
  • k-NN Basic